Lift Every Voice and Sing

Today's devotion comes from our organist and choir director, Priscilla Cunningham.  Priscilla helps us lift our voices in praise to God every Sunday morning.  I asked her to write a devotion this week because this is the week that the choir is coming back!  Enjoy her wisdom!

Reverend Dave


It’s so nice to see our church start to come back from COVID.  Last week it was Sunday School and this week it will be the Senior Choir.  We are fortunate to have so many people, both visible and behind the scenes, who help our church function.  I’m especially grateful for the choir members who consistently give their time and talents to serve God.

It’s wonderful to have a group of people willing to put in the hours of rehearsal time that are needed to have a successful choir.  They add so much to our service with their enthusiasm and dedication.

If you talk to the choir members, I’m sure they will tell you that singing in the choir has enriched their lives.  Singing praises to God is a wonderful way to worship and adds so much joy to our worship experience.  Anyone is welcome to join us – just come any Wednesday at 7 PM.  Not only are they great singers, they’re also welcoming and a lot of fun!

- Priscilla Cunningham

Lift every voice and sing
Till earth and heaven ring
Ring with the harmonies of liberty
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea

(Lift Every Voice and Sing, verse 1)
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1 Comment

Carol McMahon - September 17th, 2021 at 3:02pm

Worship is more meaningful when we make a joyful noise. Many thanks to Priscilla for all the hours that she puts in so that we can raise our voices in worship.