Sunday Morning Worship Schedule

We offer two worship services:

Our 9 AM Contemporary Worship is led by our Pastor and our Praise Band, directed by Bob Coulon.  The service has a relaxed, contemporary feel.  The carefully chosen music is sometimes upbeat and sometimes contemplative, but always worshipful.

Our  11 AM Traditional Worship is led by our Pastor, a Lay Reader, and our Senior Choir under the direction of Priscilla Cunningham.  Mrs. Cunningham also plays our pipe organ, and traditional hymns and anthems are sung.

Every first Sunday of the month we celebrate Holy Communion at both worship services.

Our 9 AM and 11 AM services are also both available on our YouTube Channel and Livestream Page!

COVID-19 Protocol

AUMC's COVID-19 Protocol is designed to be fluid.  It will change as needed, due to increases (or decreases!) in new COVID cases.  Currently, these are the guidelines we are following :
Currently, our masking policy is now "optional."   If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, then please feel free to do so!

Thank You
We thank God for your flexibility and understanding.